Finding a Child Support Lawyer in San Bernardino

When should you start thinking about getting in touch with a child support attorney? It is important to consider getting an attorney involved when your child’s other parent fails to make their court-ordered monthly payments or if you are not being provided the exact amount of support that was determined by the court. If a modification of the current payment amounts needs to be made, it is also wise to hire an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the legal system.


Child support attorney in San Bernardino can also help if one parent is denying access to their children or refusing to pay for necessary medical needs, such as therapy appointments or other health-related expenses. These attorneys are well-versed in the laws and regulations of child support and will be able to advise you on your rights and how to get the support you are entitled to. In addition, they can also help with enforcement of existing court orders as well as filing motions for contempt in order to ensure that both parents are held accountable. Ultimately, a child support attorney in San Bernardino can help you protect your children’s financial security and future.


No matter the situation, seeking out the knowledgeable family law firm, Law Office of Joyce Holcomb in San Bernardino should be done as soon as possible. These attorneys can provide valuable advice and ensure that your rights and those of your children are protected. With their help, you can rest assured that you will get the financial assistance you need to meet your child’s needs.